The Concubine
Set during the early Joseon Dynasty, the film begins with the queen mother and former concubine (Park Ji-young) in a precarious position of having no blood ties to the childless king (Jung Chan). She schemes to replace him on the throne with his stepbrother and her submissive young son Seong-won (Kim Dong-wook). Indifferent to his motherโs plans, the timid prince falls in love at first sight with Hwa-yeon (Jo Yeo-jeong), an aristocratโs daughter, who has already found love with Kwon-yoo (Kim Min-joon), a commoner. The king is eventually poisoned to death by the queen mother, who is desperate to be in power. Hwa-yeon is moved to a closely watched humble residence, with the queen mother planning to assassinate Hwa-yeon and her son to secure her position in the palace.
Views: 1077
Genre: Drama
Director: Kim Dae-seung
Actors: Ahn Suk-hwan, Jo Eun-ji, Jo Yeo-jeong, Kim Dong-wook, Kim Min-joon, Lee Kyung-young, Park Ji-young
Country: South Korea
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