A 35-minute Dragon Ball animated short film that premiered at the Jump Super Anime Tour in September 2008. It is the first animated Dragon Ball feature in twelve years, following…
A spaceship lands next to the Wiggles’ house, and when Greg, Murray, Jeff and Anthony hop aboard to explore it, they find themselves lost in space after Captain Feathersword accidentally…
Batman has not been seen for ten years. A new breed of criminal ravages Gotham City, forcing fifty-five-year-old Bruce Wayne back into the cape and cowl, but does he still…
After her werewolf lover unexpectedly dies in an accident, a woman must find a way to raise the son and daughter that she had with him. However, their inheritance of…
Upon his return to “life”, Spawn seeks out Wanda, who had apparently got over the grief of having lost Al and married another man, Al’s best friend Terry Fitzgerald with…
Yui wants to see a whale so Kirito suggests a quest where she can meet them. However, it turns out that Leafa cannot swim so Asuna and the other female…
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