In 2007, The Sci-Fi Channel premiered “Ghost Adventures,” a raw documentary in which 3 men go to Virginia City, NV and Goldfield, NV on a ghost hunting expedition.Β Virginia City is…
In 1977, a book of photographs captured an awakening – women shedding the cultural restrictions of their childhoods and embracing their full humanity. FEMINISTS: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? revisits those…
The cowboy has long been romanticised as the ideal image of masculinity – a rough and rugged bushman who loves his beer as much as his woman. But for a…
The conjoined twins Chang and Eng were born in Thailand in 1811, were sold by their mother to a Western ship captain, toured the world, won freedom and fortune, and…
Leonidas Koursoumis had worked diligently all his life in the publishing sector only to find himself unemployed and subsequently homeless a few years shy of retirement. Instead of leading him…
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