This animated fairy tale for kids tells the classic story of a dapper, automobile loving fellow named Mr. Toad, whose passion becomes a problem when he’s framed for stealing cars…
In 1972 the tranquility of a coastal town in California is broken as hitch-hiking girls begin to go missing and corpses start showing up. Welcome to Murder City.
Cupid’s brother Ernie has been sending arrows to people, creating love connections just like Cupid. Ernie is bored and leaps down to earth taking a child human form along with…
When a schoolteacher is sacked, he projects his bad mood at his troubled teenage son. The son, in turn, buys a CD player from a pawnshop with counterfeit money. This…
A family of vampires takes over an estate known as Carfax Abbey. Since inbreeding is destroying the family line, they need new blood to keep the family going, so they…
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