The story of the anime revolves around Ichigo, who was just a normal middle school student until she suddenly got involved in the world of idols. The film will center…
A young man who lives in Xiaoyanggang dreams of martyrdom, but he is blind and can only sneak into the market by swindling. One day, Rakshasa attacked Xiaoyanggang, and his…
One plotting politician, Sir Daniel Brackley, is using the royal unrest to his advantage and unwittingly giving rise to the arrival of a medieval hero, Black Arrow, whose steel cross…
Ran has a nightmare about her mother dying, but starts to remember what really happened involving herself, her mother, and her father from 10 years ago. Meanwhile, people are being…
Ellie and her faithful dog Totoshka again find themselves in the Magic Country at the most appropriate time. The authorities in the Emerald City are again trying to capture the…
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