This short documentary follows the fortunes of iconic car manufacturer ‘Lotus’. In the past ‘Lotus’ has been famous for producing championship winning race cars and iconic sports cars, but it…
From the real life stories that inspired Game of Thrones, delve into a world of dynasties, blood feuds and civil war, where brother battles brother, uncle kills nephew, and cousin…
Legendary hip-hop DJ Jason Mizell, aka Jam Master Jay, is gunned down in his Queens studio. Security tapes of the incident mysteriously disappear, the five witnesses are uncooperative and no…
In celebration of the publisher’s 75th anniversary, the hour-long special will take a detailed look at the company’s journey from fledgling comics publisher to multi-media juggernaut. Hosted by Emily VanCamp…
This stylish documentary about the iconic ska, reggae and rock-steady label is a timely and wide-ranging celebration of british Jamaican working-class youth culture.
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