The Mental State
In the heart of rural Kentucky, a high school senior and his family struggle to cope with the true identity and intentions of a dangerous town shooter.
Easter Sunday
A man returns home for an Easter celebration with his riotous, bickering, eating, drinking, laughing, loving family, in this love letter to the Filipino-American community.
Concrete Blondes
Three down-on-their-luck, twenty-something female roommates are living paycheck to paycheck in a rundown apartment, when one night they stumble across $3 million dollars in a suitcase amidst the bloody aftermath…
Say Goodnight
The Hamster Cage
Lucy and Paul return to their childhood home for a celebration dinner when their Uncle Stan shows up with inappropriate gifts for all, and a way-too-young fiancée named Candy. Once…
Intern Academy
Nemesis Game
Sara Novak is an introverted college student with a few skeletons in her closet. Shying away from classmates, she prefers to spend time with Vern, an older comic store owner…
Finder’s Fee
After finding a wallet in the street tepper calls the owner in order to return it. After making the call he discovers that the lottery ticket inside is a $6…